It is a single entity that can be identified as one for the purposes of the law. A “natural person” is a legal entity – and any number of people can be parties on either side of a lawsuit.Only an “actual legal entity” may start a lawsuit. You must be a natural person or a legal entity If you do not have a clear connection to the lawsuit you want to file, talk to a lawyer to make sure you have the legal right (standing) to sue in that case.
A parent can take another parent to court for custody of the children. A customer can sue the store that sold her a broken camera for reimbursement. One spouse can take the other one to court for divorce. A landlord can sue a tenant to evict him or her. In the cases this website deals with, standing to sue is very clear. You cannot just be a person who was standing nearby and sue the person who caused the accident if you did not suffer any damages. In legal terms, this is called having “standing” to file the lawsuit.įor example, in a case for personal injury, you have to be the one to have actually suffered the injury in the accident. To file a lawsuit in court, you have to be someone directly affected by the legal dispute you are suing about. First, you need to figure out whether you have the right to file a lawsuit against the person or business you have a dispute with.